Monday, August 15, 2016

Cats in Songs

We as a human race enjoy music. We have songs going around in our minds a lot. I remember the song "The Cat Came Back" sung and played so eloquently by Fred Penner. What a horrible song that was. Trying to get rid of a cat the ways the song proposes isn't very nice and may have given children the wrong impression. "Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat I Love You" is a memorable song. The ear-worm is beginning as I type this. I won't be able to get that song out of my mind all day. How about "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" - not exactly about house cats unless you have a lion in the house - but another ear-worm that could replace the afore mentioned ear-worm. I like the song made popular by Keltic Thunder, "A Place in the Choir". The line that says, 'the dogs and the cats, they take up the middle', I can just picture all of the animals mentioned in the song just belching out their part. This one I have actually played on my guitar. Well, I could use a cup of 'catinated' coffee about now to ward off my computer mouse. Have a good day and God bless.

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